Dan Wheldon 2 years

It's been two years since Dan Wheldon was taken from this earth. Even though we have all had 2 years to heal, that pain is still with us and it's still real. It's as real as the day it happened. October 16th will always hold a place in our hearts. I really can't believe it has been 2 years already. It doesn't seem possible, and it still seems like a bad dream that we haven't woke up from. It's still hard to talk about, I still get choked up. But you know what, it's okay. If this is my way of dealing with his death, then so be it. Let me deal with it the way I want. It will get easier because I know he is looking down on all of us. Dan's legacy and memory will continue to live on forever. Dan, we love you and we miss you. Nothing will ever change that.