October 16th

October 16th to most this date is just like any other, just another day. But for others their lives changed forever 6 years ago, including mine. 6 years ago we lost an incredible racer, husband, father, son, brother, and champion. 6 years ago we lost the best friend we will ever know. 6 years ago we lost. We lost Dan Wheldon. Some things will never be the same, sure we still go racing but the paddock will never be the same.. there was a spark in Dan and he just brought such charisma, talent, drive and friendliness to the paddock that I don’t know if we’ll ever see again. But I do know if we live our lives with just an ounce of how Dan lived his, the world will truly be a better place. This day will always be a reminder that you are no longer here. For 6 years we have all felt that constant void in our hearts, a void that will never be replaced, because you simply can not replace Dan Wheldon. There will never be another like you. Thank you for always watching down on us and prote...