It's funny the way life works.

It happened again he comes back into my life during all the right times. I just hope this time neither one of us will leave each other. Yes, it has been roughly 4 years since I've seen him in person, and that just means we are both different people than we were before, more mature. We know what we want, and I really hope we get the chance to be in a relationship again, after all he was the last person I had a relationship with. I really want to make this work we are taking it slow getting to know each other again because like I said we have both changed. I can see it in him and I am so proud of the man he has become. Hopefully we will be able to meet up in the next couple of weeks which I am very excited about but very nervous! Because it has been 4 years! It just seems bizarre that it has been so long since I've seen him.   But even though it has been that long, I've never stopped loving him, he has always had my heart and he always will. Nothing is going to change that. I can't wait to see what happens in the near future. But right now I am very happy with the way things are going. 



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