People will always come in and out of your life

I've been doing a lot of thinking about people who have been in my life. There are some people who are gone for various reasons. Then there are those who have come into my life and stayed. There are a few people that were once in my life that no longer are. While they were in my life we had some awesome times, but I have to set back and think for a moment. Were those really awesome times? or Was I simply being fooled? I don't know, I can't answer that and probably never will be able to. I think it is an un-answerable question. Because, honestly it could go both ways, you can field answers on both sides. But instead of dwelling on the realm of possibilities, I'm going to assume for my sake that they were truly awesome times. Because yes, I did have fun with those people whatever it may have been. I wish those people good luck on their endeavors, whatever they maybe. I'm not going to set back and wish ill on these people, because what kind of a person would that make me. For whatever the reason they aren't in my life anymore. I've always been the type of person to whole-heartedly believe "everything happens for a reason". And these people are out of my life for a reason. I may not understand why nor do I question it. I simply just let it be.

To those who have stayed in my life for whatever reason, I commend you. :) Because I can be tough at times! I don't do it on purpose it just happens. But honestly, thank you to the people who have constantly stayed in my life. Some of you I haven't even known for 5 years but you guys have truly become some of my best friends. I'm very fortunate to have the friends and family that I have. I love each and everyone of you.


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