Dan Wheldon 3 Years

How on earth as it been 3 years already?? I still can't believe you're gone. We've all had 3 years to mourn your loss and deal with this unbearable pain. I can't speak for everyone but the pain I felt this day 3 years ago is the exact same pain I feel today, I've just learned to deal with it. October 16th has been burned into our hearts and minds. We'll remember this date for the rest of our lives. Because this day is when we lost a friend and a true champion and role model. What a great role model you were Dan. Your boys are growing up to be just like you. So caring and kind and so well mannered at such a young age. You've left a footprint in their hearts and they will carry you around forever. They have an entire racing family behind them, and I promise your boys will know you and how you were, because we will show them the best we know how. Continue to look down on us. While we all look up at you hoping we can live life you, if we all had an ounce of kindness you had this world would be so much nicer.

We fear this day every year, everyday it gets closer and closer. It's been 3 years and I still feel like this has been a very long nightmare. It's never going to get easier that you are gone. I don't think we will ever be able to truly move on. We deal with it but that pain is always with us. Some can mask it better than others. You meant so much to so many people and you still do. In a way it's like your still here with us because you left footprints with all of us. We carry a piece of you around with us rather it be a change in how we treat someone or getting tattooed with something that we minds us of you or simply just wearing a bracelet that says 'Lionheart". I've wore my bracelet since May of 2012, and I've only taken it off once, because I had to. For me its just something to remind me of the man you were and how kind and caring you were. Regardless of how long you knew someone you treated them as a friend someone you knew for years. You were always so approachable, I don't think I ever saw you in a bad mood. When you were in the public you had the best attitude. 

Fly High DW. We love you and we miss you.
Continue looking down on us


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