Awesome Things!

Today, I have stumbled across some very cool websites.

The first one being:
You can create your own chocolate bar or choose from popular favorites.
These can make great gifts or just a treat for yourself. :) I'll let you know how it is.

This is my bar.

Dark Chocolate bar with..
Dried Cherries
Vanilla Granola
Ground Coffee

Very interesting and I'm excited to try it.

Another website I found was:
This website is similar to Influenster because you get samples.
However this one is 15 dollars a month.
What to expect in a box?Well, thats a surprise every month but we try to include an array of products everything from animal friendly makeup to organic brown rice, all natural perfumes to herbal teas and vegan chocolates. We want you to try a little bit of everything (not just beauty) so that you will be able to shop completely green in all areas food, beauty, household and more. We strive to feature either organic, all natural, vegetarian, fair trade or vegan products. Before you know it you will get to know the labels and companies behind the products and stepping foot into the organic isles or all natural stores will be a breeze.

I will also let you know how this one is. And the nice thing about this company is you can cancel your membership at any time. So I'll see how my first few boxes are and I'll decide if i want to keep it or not.

I think Influenster has started something with me.
These last few days I have been really interested in Product Tesing for companies.

I found a couple more websites that I wanted to share.

New Beauty ships test tubes 4 times a year for 29.95 per tube.
It is a little expensive but again, you can choose to cancel at anytime.
And from what I have read most of the samples you get from the test tube are full size and you get the New Beauty Magazine with each tube! Very excited for this one as well.

Last but not least,
I found another chocolate website. Chocri

I haven't ordered anything from this website yet. But there are many more toppings and base chocolates to choose from than chocomize has.


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