Christmas Eve :)

Hello everyone!
It is offically Christmas Eve! Yay. I'm so glad to be home. I love spending time with my family.
I really should be in bed because it is 2:30 am. But for whatever reason, not tired. Spending time with the Grandparents tomorrow and exchanging Christmas gifts. I'll make a video on how my weekend was. :)

On another note.
It really sucks having feelings for someone who doesn't have feelings for you, or refusing to act on those feelings. Especially when I would pretty much do anything just to have a chance to be with really sucks. Somehow I always get myself into the situation. Maybe I just need to step back from boys for a while and foucs on me and what I want out of life, becaue at this point I don't have a clue anymore.

Well I'm off to bed now, I'm actually starting to get tired. Better act on it fast before my 2nd wind comes in. (more like 5th wind)

Good Night
Happy Holidays



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