Dan Wheldon

I sit here attempting to study for my finals and all I can think about is Dan Wheldon. It still seems like a big nightmare. Dan Wheldon can't be gone. It's not fair. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I had to work the day of the Las Vegas race and I was pissed that I couldn't enjoy the last race with my family and friends. But I went to work anyway, because that is what a responsible adult does. I work at a kiosk so it is easy for me to check things on the internet. Well this particular day I was a little busy with customers so I didn't get to start the radio broadcast on time. I think I tuned in on lap 10, it was right before the horrid accident happened. After the accident happened I knew something was wrong, I felt it in the pit of my stomach.

I called my family constantly, tweeted, and facebooked. At this point work was the last thing on my mind. It was roughly 5:15 or so and while I had been crying the whole time, it was different, I just had a complete melt down in the middle of the mall at work. I just kept thinking about my sister and his family and friends. I made it back to my apartment just in time for the 5 lap salute. I have never witnessed something so emotional before. I cried for hours upon hours that night and well into the wee hours of the morning. I woke up the next day with puffy and swollen eyes and a voice that was scratchy and beyond hoarse, I could barely talk let alone comprehend anything, I was in a daze.
I spent the next few days talking to friends and family that understood what I was going through, because they were all going through it too.

Dan Wheldon was not the 1st driver to be killed in the IndyCar Series, but he was the first person that had a huge impact on the Series. It hit home for a lot of people, it affected a lot of people. Why? Because Dan was a remarkable person and he touched peoples lives'. Dan will always be in our hearts.

I was lucky enough to have known Dan personally. No we were not best friends, but yes we were on 1st name basis. My sister, however knew Dan very well. My sister has cerebral palsy, which some might think hinder her feelings or learing but my sister is one of the kindest people I know. She cares deeply about anyone she comes into contact with and forms and special bond with all of them. A family friend of ours, Packy Wheeler made Bailey "Team Bailey Motorsports" stickers for her golf cart because she doesn't have a license to drive. I don't think Packy knew what he was doing when he made those stickers back in 2005 or 2006 I believe. From that moment on Team Bailey had offically been created.  Dan was among many of the drivers who would joke around with Bailey and call her boss and ask her when they could start driving for her team. This is one of the many things I will forever cherrish in my heart. I can only hope one day we can make her dream become a reality. But I know in my heart that Dan is in Heaven racing for Team Bailey with Tom Carnegie calling the race and Duane Sweeny throwing those beloved double checkered flags.

Dan blessed everyone with his presence. All he had to do was walk into a room and smiles would spread across peoples faces. Dan was very kind and cared about his fans, especially the kids. I don't think I ever saw Dan deny someone an autograph or a picture. He was passionate in every sense of the word.

Dan was one of the good guys, one who was taken way to soon.
There is not a moment that goes by where I don't think of you.

You are forever missed, but never forgotten.



  1. Wow Chelsea,this sums up my feelings exactly!! Thanks for sharing this! We will never forget DW and the impact he has made on all of lives but especially Bailey's. I hope he can keep Sweeney in line in Heaven and doesn't get too tired of those sappy jokes he would tell. :)

    Thanks Kimmer


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