I'd like to think most of us had an idea of what caused his death, the pole of the catch fence. Today, we know it was the cause. However, many of us thought if the pole was on the outside of the fence rather than the inside it would have made a difference. Today, we find out that it would not have mattered what the position of the pole was. It was the force of the hit that caused his death. I may never get over this, but I do find some peace knowing that aside from his non-survivable head trauma he had no other injuries. I find is incredible and it just shows how safe the cars are.
I sit here attempting to study for my finals and all I can think about is Dan Wheldon. It still seems like a big nightmare. Dan Wheldon can't be gone. It's not fair. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had to work the day of the Las Vegas race and I was pissed that I couldn't enjoy the last race with my family and friends. But I went to work anyway, because that is what a responsible adult does. I work at a kiosk so it is easy for me to check things on the internet. Well this particular day I was a little busy with customers so I didn't get to start the radio broadcast on time. I think I tuned in on lap 10, it was right before the horrid accident happened. After the accident happened I knew something was wrong, I felt it in the pit of my stomach. I called my family constantly, tweeted, and facebooked. At this point work was the last thing on my mind. It was roughly 5:15 or so and while I had been crying the whole time, it was different, I just had a complete melt...
I've struggled with weight my entire life. I was in jr. high and was a member of Weight Watchers, at 13 years old. Weight Watchers did work for me and my lowest weight I believe was 140. Which is my ultimate goal weight, as of now. But it got to expensive going to the meetings so we stopped. As we stopped we also stopped eating healthy like we were doing while on weight watchers. Slowly, the weight came back on and ultimately more weight. By the time I graduated high school I weight about 200 pounds. Then it was time for college, being a college student I definitely didn't eat the way I should, during my 4 years of college I put on another 60 pounds roughly, weighing a whopping 260 pounds. In the next 6 months I put on 20 more pounds. My highest recorded weight was 280 pounds and that was Thanksgiving 2012. Now, I know that isn't healthy whatsoever, and I know what I need to do. Its a simply and easy equation. Eat healthy and get off my ass. The beginning of the year is the...
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