
Well I hope everyone had a great Holiday Season! I had a very good time and enjoyed spending time with my family. I got everything I wanted for Christmas and more. I'm so blessed to come from such a great family, and my sister is absolutely amazing. :) I'm excited for my parents annual New Years Eve Party. Yes I am going home for it. I'm hoping I can convience and friend to come, but I doubt he will. On that note, I wish he would make up his mind on what he wants, but I find if comforting to know that he is not upset or mad with me. He just wants space to figure things out, which I respect. I just hope he does it fast because I would like to see what may happen if we would start dating, no I didn't say go out, just casual dating, because I've never had that.

Here is a short recap on some things I got for Christmas.

Once I recieve my purse I ordered through HauteLook, I will do a Haul video on the things I have recently bought. :)

Everyone have a safe and Happy New Years!


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