
These past few months have been a whirlwind of emotions. On October 16, 2011 Dan Wheldon died after a horrific crash at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Today, we find out IndyCar will not be returning to LVMS next year. Some may be happy others are not sure why. Racing is racing, and we all know the dangers. Dan Wheldon would not have liked this decision. Dan more than anyone I know loved the IndyCar Series and everything it stood for. So why take away a track, an oval no less? Especially after he spent most of the season working on a safer openwheel race car.

I agree there are some modifcations that can be made, one being moving the poles from the catch fence to the outside, instead of the inside. Simple adjustments like this could prevent an accident like Dan's resulting in death, in the future.

Just my thoughts.


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